There are four basic human needs –food, clothing, shelter and fun.
Every January thousands rush to iitmadras to make their pilgrimage in search of their fourth basic need .Among the pilgrims are staunch devotees of music (classical to rock and everything in between and who think their ears alone lead them to nirvana),dance (rhythmic physical exhilaration alone leads to moksha),quiz(all those bofis and potas),acting and other non-coarse arts (Picassos ,Van Goghs)and not to forget the write -wing activists .
Saarang grants them all they have wanted and more. It is like a 5-day 20-20 match. For all those who want to show case their talents and all those who want fun, everywhere is nowhere compared to saarang.
this is what you can do--
watch professionals perform-out perform them, dance all night/make people dance to your tune, quiz all night, get your face painted-paint your friend’s face, eat with your hands tied, enjoy dramatics-monopolize the stage, witness the battle of wits(jam),speak eloquently or act as if dumb(dumb charades), bring out the Sherlock in you(cluedo),solve a crossword, be your wordsworth(creative writing),tell you "mean" something(what’s the good word) ,have fun, live a saarang.
Still need I write why Saarang is an experience you just can’t afford to miss.
Every January thousands rush to iitmadras to make their pilgrimage in search of their fourth basic need .Among the pilgrims are staunch devotees of music (classical to rock and everything in between and who think their ears alone lead them to nirvana),dance (rhythmic physical exhilaration alone leads to moksha),quiz(all those bofis and potas),acting and other non-coarse arts (Picassos ,Van Goghs)and not to forget the write -wing activists .
Saarang grants them all they have wanted and more. It is like a 5-day 20-20 match. For all those who want to show case their talents and all those who want fun, everywhere is nowhere compared to saarang.
this is what you can do--
watch professionals perform-out perform them, dance all night/make people dance to your tune, quiz all night, get your face painted-paint your friend’s face, eat with your hands tied, enjoy dramatics-monopolize the stage, witness the battle of wits(jam),speak eloquently or act as if dumb(dumb charades), bring out the Sherlock in you(cluedo),solve a crossword, be your wordsworth(creative writing),tell you "mean" something(what’s the good word) ,have fun, live a saarang.
Still need I write why Saarang is an experience you just can’t afford to miss.
People turned to pirates of Indian Ocean in the queen of Sheeba event in saarang 2008.People are searching for items like Johnny Depp unfortunately there is no Kiera knightly in the crowd. For those who missed it catch the entire funny episode of the Saarang in